
20 Nov 2011

Random Conversation

Still in my crowded thought. I was thinking so many tasks, and planning for our event at campus.
Last friday night, it’s time to go home. but absolutely not for this week because best student event force me not to do that. So I’m on my friend rent room to lose my bored. We’re talking about so many thing about life, college, friends, even someone’s freaking (it’s sound cruel, right? :p)
And I’m being realized by her about the way to communicate with God.
Yes, not only pray everyday. But what the next after you pray? what’s the value you got? Do you believe in God with whole your heart? Or we forgot to think about Him because you just pray as usual? Renewal your heart.
I need think more deeply.

The other hand, so many thing I want to write in my blog. I wanna scream so loooud, like overwhelmed with something repeatedly come. I can’t handle, yeah it’s not me. It’s out my control. What! I’m being strees! -.-
I need to talk without thinking about someone’s feeling. hoah, forget it. Be calm mi, huh, hah, huh.
The event will be running next week, I have to ready for the worse. Wish me luck.

Help me ya Allah.



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